Thursday, August 19, 2010

My kid can read!!

At least I can make him think he can.

One way to motivate a child to read is to have him/her make a book all by him/herself. 

How can he write a book if he can't read? 

No writing involved.  Just use recognizable objects - like cereal boxes.  Can your child point to the Cheerios box, and say he/she would like some?  Then, in a way, he or she is reading.  Why not transition that experience into a book?  You've got the words and the pictures right there.  And your kid will be so proud of his/her new creation, it'll be read every day.  He/she will love to read.

Here's what you need:

7-8 cereal boxes (brands recognizable to your child)
kid scissors
glue stick
construction paper
3-hole punch
3 small pieces of yarn or ribbon


1. Cut out the front panels of each box.
2. Paste each panel on a sheet of construction paper.  Leave enough room on the left margin to make holes.
3. Using the 3-hole punch, punch holes in the left margin of each page.
4. Have your child select the order in which to put the pages.
5. Use pieces of ribbon or yarn to tie the pages together (this is where the holes come in), and make a book. 
6. Have your child read to you.

This is obviously not the only book you'll read together.  It's just a way to boost your child's confidence, and encourage him/her to read. 

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